季 杰,男,1963年生,江苏人,博士,中国科学技术大学教授、博士生导师, 现为中国科技大学工程科学学院副院长,中国科学院太阳能光电光热利用示范中心主任,中国建筑节能专业委员会委员。
1. 复合墙体热湿迁移理论及湿积累研究,
2. 竖置透明隔热蜂窝围护结构的光热性能研究,国家自然科学基金,负责
3. 钢筋混凝土—岩棉复合墙板湿迁移及防潮对策,中国建材总公司,负责
4. 严寒地区旧房节能改造,中国建材总公司,主要参与
5. 高层建筑防排烟与通风空调兼用的相关研究,
6. 高效太阳能利用透明蜂窝的研制,国家重点科技攻关项目,主要参与
7. 与环境相和谐的节能技术,JSPS与东京大学合作项目,主要参与
8. 光伏—建筑一体化项目,与香港理工大学合作项目,主要参与
9. 光伏—风力发电—建筑一体化项目,与香港大学合作项目,主要参与
17.体育馆空调气流组织与火灾预报的相关研究, 科技奥运子课题, 负责
1. 发表论文60余篇。多篇论文获省级优秀论文奖
2. ‘供热系统新型入口装置研究’通过省级鉴定。
3. ‘
4. ‘严寒地区旧房节能改造研究’通过省级鉴定。
5. ‘家用空调—热水器一体机研究’通过省级鉴定。
6. ‘高效太阳能利用透明蜂窝的研制’通过国家验收。
7. ‘建筑节能综合实验台建设’获
8. 获亿利达科学基金奖
9. 获博士后优秀论文奖
10. 中科大跨世纪人才奖
11. 《家用空调—热水器一体机》获专利授权,专利号:002406039
担任《International Journal of Energy and Environment》国际顾问编委、《 International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies》、《Fundamental Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering》、《太阳能学报》等期刊编委,国家‘863’先进能源技术领域主题专家,中国可再生能源学会理事,安徽省新能源协会副理事长,教育部、科技部、自然科学基金委重点项目评审专家,教育部优秀博士论文评审专家。
(1) A study of PV-Shading combined with bulding - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 1:378-383
(2) Dynamic performance of parabolic trough solar collector - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 2:750-754
(3) Distributed and steady modeling of PV evaporator in a PV/T solar assisted heat pump - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 2:951-955
(4) Numerical study on the operating performance of an indirect expansion solar assisted multifunctional heat pump in water heating mode - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 4:2201-2205
(5) Annual energy performance simulation of a façade integrated photovoltaic and water heating system in east China - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 1:298-303
(6) Numerical study of performance of trombe wall with PV cells - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 1:397-400
(7) Performance of solar assisted heat pump using PV evaporator under different compressor frequency - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 2:935-939
(8) Optimized simulation for PV-TW system using DC fan - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 3:1617-1622
(9) Numerical simulation with experimental validation on photovoltaic solar assisted heat pump - ICR2007 - 2007 - ZCR07-E2-1472
(10) Performance of a solar assisted heat pump using photovoltaic evaporator - ICR2007 - 2007 - ZCR07-E2-1434
(11) CFD study of the effectiveness of ventilation system in removing coughing expelled droplets - ICR2007 - 2007 - ZCR07-E1-1465
(12) Energy performance of a water-based facade-integrated photovoltaic/thermal system - Proceedings of HKIE/ASHRAE/CIBSE/PolyU Joint Sympo - 2005 - 15 Nov 2005, pp.109-116
(13) A numerical and experimental study of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building in passive space heating mode - Chinese Science Bulletin - 2010 - Vol.55(15)
(14) Effect of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building on the cooling load of building in summer - Chinese Science Bulletin - 2010 - Vol.55(31)
(15) Performance analysis of an air-source heat pump using an immersed water condenser - Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China - 2010 - 4(2): 234–245
(16) Thermal characteristics of a building-integrated dual-function solar collector in water heating mode with natural circulation - Energy - 2011 - 36(1)
(17) Modeling and validation of a building-integrated dual-function solar collector - Power and Energy - 2011 - 225:259-269
(18) Performance of PV-Trombe Wall in Winter Correlated with South Façade Design - Applied Energy - 2011 - Vol.88(1)
(19) Influence of channel depth on the performance of solar air heaters - Energy - 2010 - Vol.35(10)
(20) Distributed dynamic modeling and experimental study of PV evaporator in a PV/T solar-assisted heat pump - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - 2009 - 52(1)
(21) An improved approach for the application of Trombe wall system to building construction with selective thermo-insulation facades - Chinese Science Bulletin - 2009 - 54
(22) Experimental study of photovoltaic solar assisted heat pump system - Solar Energy - 2008 - 82(1):43-52
(23) Performance analysis of a photovoltaic heat pump - Applied Energy - 2008 - 85(8):680-693
(24) Numerical study of PV/T-SAHP system - Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE - 2008 - 9(7):970-980
(25) An experimental study of façade-integrated photovoltaic/water-heating system - Applied Thermal Engineering - 2007 - 27(1):37-45
(26) An experimental and mathematical study of efforts of a novel photovoltaic-Trombe wall on a test room - International Journal of Energy Research - 2008 - 32(6):531-542
(27) Distributed dynamic modelling with experimental validation on a photovoltaic solar-assisted heat pump - Journal of Power and Energy - 2008 - 222(5):443-454
(28) Performance of the photovoltaic solar-assisted heat pump system with and without glass cover in winter: a comparative analysis - Journal of Power and Energy - 2008 - 222(2):179-187
(29) Dispersion and settling characteristics of evaporating droplets in ventilated room - Building and Environment - 2007 - 42(2):1011-1017
(30) Performance evaluation of photovoltaic–thermosyphon system for subtropical climate application - Solar Energy - 2007 - 81(1):123-130
(31) Performance of photovoltaic solar assisted heat pump system in typical climate zone - Journal of Energy & Environment - 2007 - 6:1-9
(32) Transport of coughing expelled droplets in ventilated rooms - Indoor and Built Environment - 2007 - 16(6):493-504
(33) Photovoltaic-thermal collector system for domestic application - Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - 2007 - 129(2):205-209
(34) PV-Trombe design for buildings in composite climates - Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - 2007 - 129(4):431-437
(35) A sensitivity study of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal water heating system with natural circulation, - Applied Energy - 2007 - 84(2): 222-237
(36) Modeling of a novel Trombe wall with PV cells. - Building and Environment - 2007 - 42(3): 1544-1552.
(37) Study of PV-Trombe wall assisted with DC-fan - Building and Environment - 2007 - 42(10):3529-3539
(38) Numerical study of the use of photovoltaic-Trombe wall in residential buildings in Tibet - Journal of Power and Energy - 2007 - 221(8):1131-1140
(39) Study of PV-Trombe wall installed in a fenestrated room with heat storage - Applied Thermal Engineering - 2007 - 27(8-9):1507-1515
(40) Effect of fluid flow and packing factor on energy performance of a wall-mounted hybrid photovoltaic/water-heating collector system - Energy and Buildings - 2006 - 38(12):1380-1387
(41) Thermal analysis of PV/T evaporator of a solar assisted heat pump - International Journal of Energy Research - 2006 - 31(5):525-545.
(42) Numerical study on hybrid PV/T collector with different-dimension flat box, - Proc.IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, - 2006 - Vol.220, pp.681-688. (SCI, EI)
(43) Effect of flow channel dimensions on the performance of a box-frame photovoltaic/thermal collector - Journal of Power and Energy - 2006 - 220(7):681-688
(44) Influence of air flow patterns on smoke dispersion in multi-functional gymnasia - Architectural Science Review - 2006 - 49(3):263-269
(45) Hybrid photovoltaic-thermosyphon water heating system for residential application - Solar Energy - 2006 - 80(3):298-306
(46) Hybrid photovoltaic and thermal solar-collector designed for natural circulation of water - Applied Energy - 2006 - 83(3):199-210
(47) The influence of the support frame on the annual electric and thermal performance of a PV-wall in Hong Kong - Journal of Energy and Environment - 2006 - Vol.5
(48) Performance of multi-functional domestic heat pump system - Applied Energy - 2005 - 80(3):307-326
(49) Dynamic performance of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collector wall in Hong Kong - Building and Environment - 2003 - 38(11):1327-1334
(50) Domestic air-conditioner and integrated water heater for subtropical climate - Applied Thermal Energy - 2003 - Vol.23,No.5,581-592
(51) The annual analysis of the power output and heat gain of a PV-wall with different integration mode in Hong Kong - Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells - 2002 - 71(4): 435-448,